Harmonization of 7th Chords
by: T.Franca
To remember what chord harmonization means and how to do it look at our articles Chord harmonization over major scales. and Chord harmonization over minor scales.
Rules for harmonizing a 7th chord over a scale are similar to normal chords. What you want to do is to find the chords that have all of the notes on that scale. For practical reasons it is much better to memorize the chord patterns for each scale (see tables below) or to use our online tool to help you with that: Browse our scale database and find all harmonized chords over that scale: Music scales database
7th chords over major scales
C major scale example | ||
Scale Interval Pattern | (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (1) | C D E F G A B |
Harmonized 7th chords | maj7 m7 m7 maj7 7 m7 m7b5 | Cmaj7 Dm7 Em7 Fmaj7 G7 Am7 Bm7b5 |
7th chords over natural minor scales
C natural minor scale example | ||
Scale Interval Pattern | (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (2) (2) | C D Eb F G Ab Bb |
Harmonized 7th chords | m7 m7b5 maj7 m7 m7 maj7 7 | Cm7 Dm7b5 Ebmaj7 Fm7 Gm7 Abmaj7 Bb7 |
7th chords over harmonic minor scales
C harmonic minor scale example | ||
Scale Interval Pattern | (2) (1) (2) (2) (1) (3) (1) | C D Eb F G Ab B |
Harmonized 7th chords | m(maj7) m7b5 maj7#5 m7 7 maj7 dim7 | Cm(maj7) Dm7b5 Ebmaj7#5 Fm7 G7 Abmaj7 Bdim7 |
7th chords over melodic minor scales
C melodic minor scale example | ||
Scale Interval Pattern | (2) (1) (2) (2) (2) (2) (1) | C D Eb F G A B |
Harmonized 7th chords | m(maj7) m7 maj7#5 7 7 dim7 m7b5 | Cm(maj7) Dm7 Ebmaj7#5 F7 G7 Adim7 Bm7b5 |