Gbm11b5\Bbb Bass Chord

Aka: Gbø11\Bbb Gbø7/9/11\Bbb Gb1/2dim11\Bbb Gbm7b5(11)\Bbb
The Gb half diminished eleventh inverted on Bbb Chord for Bass has the notes Bbb Gb Dbb Fb Ab Cb and interval structure m3 1 b5 b7 9 11 and has 4 possible voicings/fret configurations.

Fretboard image for the Gbm11b5\Bbb chord on bass frets: 5 2 4 5
Full name:
Gb half diminished eleventh inverted on Bbb

Common abbreviations:
Gbm11b5\Bbb Gbø11\Bbb Gbø7/9/11\Bbb Gb1/2dim11\Bbb Gbm7b5(11)\Bbb GbØ11\Bbb GbØ11\Bbb

Chord Sound:

Chord Structure:
NotesBbb (i)GbDbbFbAb (o)Cb
Simplified notesA (i)GbCEAb (o)B
Intervalsm3 (i)1b5b79 (o)11
(o) this note may be omitted from the chord voicing
(i) this note is not the key but is set as the inversion (lowest pitch note)
More in this page:
ChartsInversionsLeft handed chartsDbCon: could not connect to DB
PDOException Object
    [message:protected] => SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections
    [string:Exception:private] => 
    [code:protected] => 1040
    [file:protected] => /var/www/vhosts/
    [line:protected] => 52
    [trace:Exception:private] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
                    [line] => 52
                    [function] => __construct
                    [class] => PDO
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => mysql:host=localhost;dbname=UltimateChords;charset=utf8
                            [1] => UltimateChords
                            [2] => Ghij123!#
                            [3] => Array
                                    [20] => 0
                                    [3] => 2
                                    [1005] => 16777216



            [1] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
                    [line] => 290
                    [function] => __construct
                    [class] => UltimateChords\DbCon
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array


            [2] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
                    [line] => 403
                    [function] => getFromCache
                    [class] => UltimateChords\Interfaces\ChordCalculator
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array


            [3] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
                    [line] => 484
                    [function] => Calc
                    [class] => UltimateChords\Interfaces\ChordCalculator
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => UltimateChords\Chord Object
                                    [chordRecord:UltimateChords\Chord:private] => UltimateChords\ChordRecord Object
                                            [_tabletype:protected] => 1
                                            [_optional_fields_loaded:protected] => 
                                            [name:protected] => F#m11b5
                                            [searcheablename:protected] => F#;m11b5
                                            [htmlname:protected] => F#m11b5
                                            [altnames:protected] => ["F#ø11","F#ø7/9/11","F#1/2dim11","F#m7b5(11)"]
                                            [althtmlnames:protected] => ["F#Ø11","F#Ø11"]
                                            [importance:protected] => 1
                                            [keynotestring:protected] => F#
                                            [keynotenum:protected] => 6
                                            [altnamesearchable:protected] => ["F#;ø11","F#;ø7_9_11","F#;1_2dim11","F#;m7b511"]
                                            [notenumsstring:protected] => ["6","9","0","4","8","11"]
                                            [notestring:protected] => ["F#","A","C","E","G#","B"]
                                            [simplifiednotes:protected] => ["F#","A","C","E","G#","B"]
                                            [nnotes:protected] => 6
                                            [notenumbits:protected] => 2897
                                            [simplifiednotebits:protected] => 76097
                                            [exactnotebits:protected] => 3173
                                            [dropablenumsbits:protected] => 256
                                            [familyname:protected] => m11b5
                                            [familydesc:protected] => {"en":"half diminished eleventh"}
                                            [intervalstring:protected] => ["1","m3","b5","b7","9","11"]
                                            [intervalnumsstring:protected] => ["0","3","6","10","2","5"]
                                            [chordcategories:protected] => ["diminished","dominant seventh","eleventh"]
                                            [dropablenotenums:protected] => ["8"]
                                            [dropablenotestrings:protected] => ["G#"]
                                            [notdropablenotenums:protected] => ["6","9","0","4","11"]
                                            [notdropablenotestrings:protected] => ["F#","A","C","E","B"]
                                            [dropableintervalstring:protected] => ["9"]
                                            [nondropableintervalsstring:protected] => ["1","m3","b5","b7","11"]
                                            [nondropableintervalnums:protected] => ["0","3","6","10","5"]
                                            [nondropablenotecount:protected] => 5
                                            [enharmonicrelatedchords:protected] => 
                                            [scalesenharmonicfit:protected] => 
                                            [scalesexactfit:protected] => 

                                    [inversionNote:UltimateChords\Chord:private] => 
                                    [addednotesList:UltimateChords\Chord:private] => 
                                    [addedIntervalList:UltimateChords\Chord:private] => 
                                    [allow_promote_intervals:UltimateChords\Chord:private] => 
                                    [forbidDropNoteList:UltimateChords\Chord:private] => 
                                    [internalNoteMap:UltimateChords\Chord:private] => 



            [4] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
                    [line] => 302
                    [function] => RelatedChords
                    [class] => ChordPageClass
                    [type] => ->
                    [args] => Array


            [5] => Array
                    [file] => /var/www/vhosts/
                    [line] => 15
                    [args] => Array
                            [0] => /var/www/vhosts/

                    [function] => require


    [previous:Exception:private] => 
    [errorInfo] => 