Bbmaj7sus2\F Cello Chord

Aka: Bbsus2+7\F Bbsus2M7\F Bbsus2Δ7\F
The Bb major seventh suspended second inverted on F Chord for Cello has the notes F Bb C A and interval structure 5 1 2 7.

Fretboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2\F chord on cello frets:
Full name:
Bb major seventh suspended second inverted on F

Common abbreviations:
Bbsus2maj7\F Bbsus2+7\F Bbsus2M7\F Bbsus2+7\F Bbsus2M7\F Bbsus2Δ7\F Bbsus2Δ7\F

Chord Sound:

Chord Structure:
NotesF (i)BbCA
Intervals5 (i)127
(i) this note is not the key but is set as the inversion (lowest pitch note)
More in this page:
InversionsLeft handed chartsRelated chordsChord on other instrumentsRelated scalesChord staffAdjust chord notes

Horizontal Chord Charts for Bbmaj7sus2\F

Bbmaj7sus2\F Inversions on cello

Fretboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2 chord on cello frets: 10 10 10 12

Fretboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2\C chord on cello frets: 0 3 3 0

Fretboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2\A chord on cello frets: 9 10 8 8

Bbmaj7sus2\F chord charts for left handed cello

Fretboard image for the A#sus2\A chord on cello frets: 9 10 8 8

Fretboard image for the F\Bb chord on cello frets: 10 10 10 12

Fretboard image for the Bbsus2\A chord on cello frets: 9 10 8 8

Fretboard image for the Fsus4\A chord on cello frets: 9 10 8 8

Fretboard image for the A#maj7sus2 chord on cello frets: 10 10 10 12

Fretboard image for the Am#5\Bb chord on cello frets: 10 10 10 12

Fretboard image for the Aaug(sus(b2))\C chord on cello frets: 0 3 3 0

Bbmaj7sus2\F on other instruments

Piano keyboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2\F chord on notes: F Bb C A

Fretboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2\F chord on guitar frets: 1 1 3 2 1 1

Fretboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2\F chord on ukulele frets: 10 10 13 12

Fretboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2\F chord on bass frets: 1 1 3 2

Fretboard image for the Bbmaj7sus2\F chord on banjo frets: x x 10 10 8

Scales Related to Bbmaj7sus2\F

D natural minor Bb major F major Bb harmonic minor G natural minor Bb melodic minor G aeolian F mixolydian A phrygian G dorian C dorian A locrian Eb lydian F ionian E locrian D phrygian Bb ionian C mixolydian D aeolian Bb lydian F Major Phrygian

Bbmaj7sus2\F chord staff

Musical staff for the Bbmaj7sus2\F chord

Tweak notes of Bbmaj7sus2\F

